Whether you like it or not, life always forces you to make your own decisions from small to big. "Your life is the result of a series of choices"

How to make the right decision

When I wrote this article, I was sitting at a cafe working, the table next to me had a person reading Tarot cards. Actually, when I work I rarely pay too much attention to the tables around me, but the fortune teller spoke so loudly that it caught my attention. Most people who read the article want to ask about the future and how to make decisions for their upcoming life decisions.

The 3 viewers all asked about decision-making issues. Something like:

  • Should you invest with this partner? Is the success rate high?
  • Should the person I love now marry?
  • Should I continue doing this work?
  • Should I stay in Hanoi to work or go to Son La?

Hearing these things, I actually thought it was a bit funny because I didn't understand why This decision is in your own hands But why do people go? decided by some supernatural forces? (Here, I assume that the Tarot card reader has "specialized" knowledge, although I don't know whether the Tarot card reader is correct or not)

But with 3 viewers, I also see that he also received 500-600k from viewers.

Decisions affect your life, why waste money asking others to decide for you, even if your decision is right or wrong, they are not responsible?

You are the one who understands best about your own internal strength and ability to make decisions. Should we ruin our future just because of a few "confidences with strangers"? Let others decide your work, even let others decide your love.

Let them criticize you for not being able to do this or that, then you will say to yourself: I can't do it!

That shows that most people are afraid of making decisions, afraid of having to choose again. Therefore, we are willing to play the game of chance and let others decide for us. Then, if that decision later turns out to be wrong, we will have something to blame. But actually it's because we ourselves have made the wrong decision to let others decide for us.

Why is that? Because everyone is afraid of making mistakes!

How to avoid mistakes when deciding

That is the consequence of being educated from a young age that making mistakes is a very terrible thing, always being scolded and beaten for our first mistakes that almost everyone makes.

So what should we do to make a decision? Here are some things I often do:

 1. Don't be afraid of making mistakes.

This is the first thing to help us be confident when making decisions. Simply think that whether right or wrong, you have made a choice and be willing to accept the results. Make the decision excited and see it as a game to bring psychological comfort.

2. Think briefly about the consequences that will occur if you choose between the decisions.

Take the example above of a student about to graduate who is wondering between staying in Hanoi to work and returning to Son La.

To make a decision for this, draw two columns: Hanoi, Son La. Then, you write an overview of the benefits and difficulties of working in both places (remember to only generalize in a few words and not think too deeply because you cannot fully predict the future). Prioritize the things you find interesting and enjoyable and tick * on it. (For example, in Hanoi, there is an opportunity to develop, like the pace of life here, for example,...)

Compare the two columns to see if you can make a choice. Please give special priority to the column that has more *. When you have interest and passion, you will overcome all difficulties to live your own life.

3. Ask for the experience of more experienced people.

Surely there will be people who you consider as role models for yourself to follow. It could be a successful peer, an uncle, an uncle, etc.

**Note that you should choose successful people. Don't ask people who are negative and always find ways to reduce their enthusiasm. Many of us always have the mindset of not being willing if others do something they themselves cannot do. They always find ways to give you enough reasons to give up.

4. Don't regret making a decision no matter what the result is.

Each person's life has its own color

No decisions or actions always go smoothly 100%. Even if you choose the opposite decision, that path will still encounter certain difficulties. So, try to overcome it all.

Think of it as a necessary experience in life. That makes your life colorful and different from everyone else. Don't let regret about what happened affect your present and future. Then later you regret the days of the present.

Please read Steve Jobs' words before his death to have your own feelings!

Don't forget to leave your views on this by commenting below!


I am Medio, admin of Medio Finance. The content I share about finance and personal development is from a simplified perspective with the goal of making it easier for everyone to access this market. Avoid scams and losses.

I joined the financial market since 2016. After a long time of learning and accumulating experience over the past 7 or 8 years. Currently, my main job is freelance Trader and Investor.

In addition, I share my experiences through the blog media.finance and Youtube channel Medio Finance Sharing trading and investing experiences with more than 86,000 followers and Podcast channel Drink tea with Medio Share some stories and personal perspectives from Trader's life.

I do not receive training, do not go offline, do not conduct seminars, do not call for investment, copytrade, raise capital or represent any trading platform. Everyone please pay attention to help avoid scams!