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4 ways to choose the right career for yourself

How to choose a career

Work not only helps you make money, but it also greatly affects your life later, if not almost entirely. So how to find a job that's right for you?

Each career you choose can be a turning point in your life.

1. Don't focus too much on short-term things.

When evaluating a job, a common reality is that many people pay too much attention to short-term factors such as position, authority, salary, bonus, hours... If you are a person without ambition and goals, The goal is just to find a job, maybe that's enough. However, if you are a person with great talent or ambition, perhaps you should consider carefully and aim further.

Of course there's nothing wrong with trying to negotiate for the best benefits, but remember that benefits are more than just salary. It is also an opportunity for personal development, promotion, shares, other benefits... Title is also important, but mainly because it can help you achieve higher compensation. Will the opportunity you're looking to take help you get there?

Think of the company you want to apply for as a life bus. Can they help you get to the position in society you desire? If one day you leave the company, will your career path be long or short? What level of "return" do you want for the time and effort you invest? If you can answer these questions, you have a clear direction for your career.

2. Carefully evaluate the company like a professional.

Before each investment decision, financial experts always carefully consider a company's capacity and prospects to ensure that the money they spend gives the highest return. And if you intend to stay with a company for a long time, you should also consider carefully.

Some questions that need to be asked are: What benefits do you get from working at this company? Skills, Experience, Salary? In the field it is operating in, is the company oriented to become a leader? Are they focused on the right goals with the right strategies? What is the foundation of the leadership team? Have they been successful before? What is the company's financial situation? What is the market value?…If you cannot afford or do not have the opportunity to access information, ask experienced people you know or ask the interviewer himself.

3. Will that company help you succeed or fail?

You've probably been told many times to determine whether the company and the position are right for you. But the concept of relevance is sometimes vague.

You should consider more specific aspects such as: how will your expertise, experience and style add to that department/department? Do they need an employee like you and are you capable of meeting what they want when recruiting?

In addition, you also need to consider the realistic level of expectations the company sets for the position you intend to apply for. If they expect too much of your work in the future, it will be very stressful. Otherwise, you probably won't be taken seriously.

4. Do what you are truly passionate about.

In the long run, a person will be more successful when the work they do is what they like instead of trying to follow someone else's lead. Apple's late CEO Steve Jobs once said at Stanford University's commencement ceremony:

“Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't let your own intuition be drowned out by the opinions of others."

How to find your own passion?
That is a very sound philosophy. The only way to achieve great success is to do what you are truly passionate about. If you still haven't figured out what that is, keep exploring, don't stop.

What is your opinion? Let's discuss with everyone below, shall we? Don't be afraid to comment, living is sharing, right?


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