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“To my friend who is having a mental breakdown,
It's time to listen to a little story about life..."

Once upon a time, there was a woman lost in the desert for three days without drinking a drop of water. Just as she was about to collapse, she saw a lake a few hundred meters ahead of her. “Is it true? Or just an illusion? – She thought to herself.

Using the last of her strength, she staggered towards the lake and quickly realized that her prayer had indeed come true: it was no illusion – it was actually a cool, fresh water lake. vast – more water than she could drink in her entire life. But she was so tired that she couldn't bring herself to drink water. She just stood at the edge of the lake and stared at it.

stories when you're down

A passerby riding on a camel from a small town in the desert saw the woman's strange actions. He jumped off the camel, went to the woman who was dying of thirst and asked, "Madam, why don't you take a sip?"

She looked at the man with a very tired and distraught expression, tears welling up in her eyes. “I'm dying of thirst,” she said, “But there's too much water in the lake to drink. No matter what method I use, I cannot drink the entire lake.”

The traveler smiled, bent down, took some water in the palm of his hand, brought it close to her mouth and said, “Madam, your opportunity is right here, and the lesson you will receive as you live out your life The other thing is to understand that you don't need to drink the entire lake just to quench your thirst. You just need to take a small sip of water… and another sip if you want. Focus on what is needed right now, and all the worries, fears, and overwhelm about what lies ahead will gradually disappear.”

In fact, life is simply – small and optimistic gestures of yourself day after day, so that once you look back, you realize that all those actions have become something big. – something extremely meaningful and more special than anything you can imagine.

So why hesitate any longer and ask yourself every morning when you wake up:

“What good deeds will I do today?”

Life has many times when we feel tired, stressed, even depressed. That's why the people we consider our idols and big stars think their lives are perfect and flawless, but they choose suicide to escape.

Chances are, when you read this article, you are also in a state where there is no liberation. I also experienced this feeling several times when I received failures in business and investment, and spent days and months lying in bed without being able to sleep. Every day, I can't sleep at 3 or 4 a.m., but I wake up at 7 a.m. The state of body fatigue and lifelessness continues.

The most tiring thing is being under stress and pressure from people around you, being alone and not having anyone with whom you can share what's in your heart.

In the end, I was lucky enough to overcome it. Believe me, human survival is very strong, just don't let your spirit break down.

Life is like a novel with tragedy, comedy, and happiness that the reader must go through every level of it to reach the final ending. Whether that ending is a happy ending or not depends on the person typing the keys - That's you.

Medio's blog

So let's move past this tragic part to the happier part. It's just life testing you. Do you see the main characters in the movie, every time they face difficulties and overcome them, they become stronger?

To get through this stage. I will suggest you some ways that I find very effective for you to apply:

  • Learn Meditation - This is a method I find very effective. Meditation does not help you suppress your current worries, but helps you look deeper into them and find ways to cure them at the root. Because when it is suppressed too much, when it "unleashes" again, the destructive power is much more powerful. I have an article with an instructional clip Vipassana meditation can be practiced immediately Please read and practice for a few days to see if it's okay.
  • Experience a new hobby or skill. Experiencing new hobbies and skills will make your brain excited and happy when discovering new things to forget your current worries. Who knows, from these new interests and skills you will discover wonderful things hidden deep within you.
  • Reading a long novel has a positive effect on life. I mean it has a positive effect on life. Not some tear-jerking love novel. At this point, if I read love books like that, I would probably hang myself - I'm already a loser in my career and after reading it, I still feel sad because I'm single and lonely. I don't read many novels. So I can't give you many options. But Source Stream These are the few novels I've read and found them wonderful. Where did you hear it? The Hundred-Year-Old Man climbed out the window and disappeared quite fun too. Please try reading it!
  • Write down your feelings every day - this is one of the methods of treating depression that many people use and brings positive effects. The simple thing is, you just need to sit down and write down everything in your heart on a page of paper - you should write it by hand. Scratching the keys like I'm scratching like this will make it a little less effective because it's easier to erase. Just buy a pad of A4 paper and about 10 ballpoint pens to see if this stress goes away. After writing, maybe I'll turn into a writer. hehe. Just kidding, this solution is very effective. That is also one of the reasons why I wrote this blog. And now I'm turning into a professional blogger. hehe
  • Confide in yourself - honestly when encountering these stressful problems, confiding in people around you is very difficult, otherwise we wouldn't be stressed. Because we and they are simply not talking on the same frequency. Confiding in strangers but at the same frequency will still be much more effective. I'm not Pewpew, nor Wingman, but if you are a lovely dolphin that emits ultrasound waves, then I would like to be a dog that can hear those ultrasound frequencies. Please see your email or Facebook in the author section below. I am willing to listen to your thoughts.

You can rest assured that the people you see around you always upload successful photos, a fulfilling life on FB is not as perfect as what we see. Everyone has problems, what they upload is just the facade they want others to see. Just like me, looking at this blog and that, the number of times my losers look like the armpit and leg hair of a pre-pubescent girl who hasn't waxed her hair...


I am Medio, admin of Medio Finance. The content I share about finance and personal development is from a simplified perspective with the goal of making it easier for everyone to access this market. Avoid scams and losses.

I joined the financial market since 2016. After a long time of learning and accumulating experience over the past 7 or 8 years. Currently, my main job is freelance Trader and Investor.

In addition, I share my experiences through the blog and Youtube channel Medio Finance Sharing trading and investing experiences with more than 86,000 followers and Podcast channel Drink tea with Medio Share some stories and personal perspectives from Trader's life.

I do not receive training, do not go offline, do not conduct seminars, do not call for investment, copytrade, raise capital or represent any trading platform. Everyone please pay attention to help avoid scams!