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In life, there should be no comparison. A person drives a Mercedes-Benz that costs 4 billion, but they can borrow up to 20 billion from the bank, their life is really miserable. A person drives a 500 million VND Volkswagen, but they may owe the bank up to 2 billion VND, and is also in hot water.

A person rides a 6 million electric bicycle, but they still have 60 million in the bank. They live one leisurely life.

When three people met on the road, the electric bicycle rider admired the Volkswagen driver, the Volkswagen driver admired the Mercedes-Benz driver, and the Mercedes-Benz driver wished to have a life like the cyclist. electric bicycle.

This is the reality in society, anyone can become a slave to money, a slave to life!

Cats like to eat fish, but cats cannot swim. Fish like to eat worms, but fish cannot come ashore. God gives you many attractive things, but does not let you achieve them easily.

But, you can't cry for pain every time you bleed, turn on the light when you're afraid of the dark, contact you when you miss something, today is a big thing for you, but tomorrow it might be a small thing. Life is like a dandelion, it looks free, but in reality it is an unselfish body.

Develop yourself and create motivation in life

There are some things that don't mean you don't pay attention, but even if you pay attention, you can't do anything about it. Just know how to use all your strength to cope, life has no ifs, only consequences and results...

Life is a sea of suffering, if you are not suffering now, you will be more miserable later

All things are mutually dependent, if there is no up, there is no down, if there is no low, there is no high, if there is no bitter, there is no sweet.

Only when you know what fatigue is, can you feel what comfort is; Once you taste bitterness, you will know what is sweet. When you are young, step forward bravely, welcome the wind and rain, train yourself, be tolerant, and be able to see far, then happiness will come.

In this world, except for you, no one can really help you. If they do help, it will only be temporary. Many people have tasted "boiled eggs in tea", the more cracked the eggshell is, the more delicious the egg is to eat. Likewise, the more experiences and difficulties in life, the more flavor there will be.

Suffering can help a person grow

Chicken eggs broken by impact from the outside are food, broken eggs by impact from the inside are life. Life is the same, breaking from the outside is pressure, breaking from the inside is maturity.

If you wait for others to break you from the outside, you will definitely be someone else's dish; If you can break yourself from within, you will find that you have truly grown, as if you were reborn.

Seeing a butterfly struggling to escape from the cocoon, someone kindly helped it escape. But unexpectedly, after the butterfly escaped, it could not stretch its wings, and eventually died.

Struggling is what a butterfly needs to do to grow up. At that time, you help it feel comfortable, but later it will not have enough strength to face the challenges it will encounter in life.

If you want to transform into a butterfly, you must endure the pain of struggling in the cocoon, then you can spread your wings and fly high.

In your whole life, the more people you have to respect, the more people will respect you.

The more people you trust, the more people will trust you.

The more people you can help succeed, the more people will help you succeed!

In this world, the richest people are often the ones who stumble the most. The person who can succeed is the person who, every time they fall, not only can get up, but can still persevere and keep going.

Source: Speaker Le Tham Duong

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