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Launching Sapo X Omnichannel omnichannel sales platform

Yesterday, April 17, I attended the product launch event Sapo X - an omnichannel sales platform that is expected to promote the e-commerce industry in Vietnam. The event was held at Galaxy Theater - 87 Lang Ha.

Seeing so many interesting things, I decided to write a review right away so I could work around finishing the Instagram service landing page, so now I can sit calmly and write a review for everyone. Luckily I had noted down the main ideas since returning home, otherwise with my goldfish brain I probably wouldn't have remembered anything to write about right now.

By the way, I would like to advertise, I am implementing the service Manage Instagram accounts Using AI – Artificial Intelligence For those of you who want to promote sales on Instagram.

Launching sapoX multi-channel sales platformThe invitations and envelopes were designed quite luxuriously and mysteriously. A few days ago, I saw on e-commerce groups talking about this event. It seems that the organizers prepared quite carefully for the event, which made me curious to attend. Although I almost never attend events, offline events, or crowded courses because of my introverted nature, I like the dark, I just like to party and sing.

The event took place in the middle of the week, so when I arrived, I was quite surprised when it wasn't even time to start but quite a few people were already present (I wonder if anyone came because they liked the envelope like I did). The event was organized quite grandly and thoughtfully from check in and seating arrangement to the time of leaving to return tickets. The home-grown reception team is very beautiful and enthusiastic. Hope customer support will be as enthusiastic in the future.

The main point of that event is:Bizweb merged with Sapo

Merging two platforms, Bizweb Sales Website and Sapo Sales Management, into Sapo X multi-channel sales platform

Let me explain more specifically, Sapo X will include:

  • Sapo POS: A sales management software for stores and chain stores - formerly Sapo.
  • Sapo Web: Sales Website design platform for Shop owners and Businesses - formerly Bizweb.
  • Sapo Social: Fanpage management, sales on Facebook
  • Sapo Omnichannel: Multi-channel sales management including channels from Website, Facebook, stores, e-commerce platforms.

So there is no longer Bizweb but switched to SapoWeb.

Below is my personal review of this Sapo X platform. The review is a combination of both the launch event, the company and the product.

About the combination of Bizweb and Sapo:

Many people probably vaguely guessed this when receiving invitations to this event. So when the CEO announced it, I didn't think it was too much of a surprise. This combination is probably a good thing for both customers and Bizweb or Sapo.

As for Bizweb or Sapo, they are no longer two products that have to be marketed separately like before. Employees also do not need to explain that Sapo is also a product within the company so it is better synchronized, better linked, etc. again. Because, now it's natural because it's on the same platform.

On the customer side, there is no need to have a headache trying to remember the product name or how the products are related to each other, just remembering Sapo is enough.

And Vietnamese e-commerce also has the first true Omnichannel multi-channel sales platform.

Review of SapoX multi-channel sales platform

In my opinion, after the previous launch of Bizweb Sky, I considered it "behind" when Haravan had previously launched an open platform. This is a strong counterattack that Bizweb (or Sapo currently) has for Haravan.

Previously, when in the article: Comparing Bizweb and Haravan, which one should you use? I said I have sympathy for the youth from Haravan. But after participating in the launch ceremony, Sapo gave me a stronger feeling, which is probably also a message that Sapo sent to the participants:

  • First, Sapo's CEO and CTO are both introduced as "Mr." and not "Mr." as other parties often do.
  • Building a yard style that is easily reminiscent of technology product launch ceremonies around the world. (I also find it very similar to TEDx, TED Talk)
  • Both the CEO and CTO wore t-shirts and tucked-in jeans like famous tech CEOs around the world wear when launching products.

One thing I and perhaps many customers are very concerned about is that the continuous launch of new platforms like this is good for customers. But after each upgrade such as Bizweb moving to Bizweb Sky, customers face problems such as: loss of time, effort to transfer data, website links, which more or less affects link loss, SEO rankings and results. customer's business results. Customers cannot always chase upgrades and then have to move house, get used to the new administration, etc.

However, the relatively long technical introduction CTO unfortunately did not emphasize this concern but focused too much on techniques, making the presentation a bit dry. Perhaps customers will not be too concerned about technical issues, how to handle them, what model, how difficult they are (because like me, they don't understand).

They only care about how it benefits their business: Does it affect their previous website building results? Does it help them make more money? Can you help them stay home to breastfeed and manage the store?

Evaluating the SapoX omnichannel omnichannel sales platform

But everyone can rest assured because SapoX is an open platform so it is ready for connection and expansion. It also means that there is no need to fear that a newly created SapoY or SapoZ platform will affect your data transfer and business. I also checked the information on Bizweb's old website

sapox reviewFeature

Basically, Sapo .

Surely this will help you save a lot of money and time because everything is almost closed from selling on Facebook, Zalo, Website, Stores, to the current major e-commerce platforms. like Tiki, Lazada, Shopee, Sendo,... Then there are the shipping units. Helps you check customer information and where orders are going very easily.

According to Sapo's CTO, inventory management is updated almost immediately, avoiding errors and inconsistent product quantities between channels.

Review SapoX multi-channel sales platformYou can refer to more information about the feature HERE

Technology is getting more and more modern day by day, it doesn't make up for the old days when I sold shoes, there were dozens of orders a day but sometimes a few orders were mixed up, I couldn't find where the mistake was.

Transportation is almost exclusively Viettel. When customers call to ask where the order is, they have to find the bill of lading code again, go to Viettel's website to check and tell the customer where the order is. If there are many orders, it's tiring to write down the bill of lading. In the following time, Viettel only supported to the extent of recording the order in FileExcel and sending it to that party. They printed the bill of lading and then filled in the bill of lading code and sent it back. Extremely primitive.

Zalora and Lazada also had to add products and update them manually at that time.

Back then, if technology was as it is now, it probably wouldn't have bankrupted TT

Perhaps the saddest people right now are the shop employees and part-time students, because surely with this process the number of employees will be significantly reduced: from store staff, warehouse staff, accountants, or order processing,…

Another ingredient that seems unrelated but I think sales will decrease significantly such as: hemorrhoid medicine, degenerative medicine, eye tonic,... because now shop owners don't need to sit all day in front of the Desktop screen but just need When I go somewhere, sometimes I take out my phone to check all the current sales of my stores.

About the price

SapoX omnichannel sales website platform price

I sat in the corner so the photo was a bit blurry.

  • SapoPOS: 199,000 VND/month
  • SapoWeb: 299,000 VND/month
  • Omni: 799,000 VND/month (on the website I also see it being reduced to 599,000 VND/month)

You can see more information and compare plans: HERE

Regarding the price, I find it relatively good, much cheaper than Haravan.

I looked at Haravan for a full-featured Omnichannel package of up to 5,000,000 VND/month, the Standard package of 1,000,000 VND/month has many other features cut off and does not allow chain store management. This is also something worth thinking about when you want to choose which side because the cost difference is quite large.

Another thing I see is that the advantage that Sapo has over Haravan is that both SapoWeb and SapoPOS are from the same development company, while in Haravan, the POS part is affiliated with Kiot Viet, maybe that's why the Omnichannel package is so expensive. so high, because it is almost necessary to pay for the service for both parties.

Although it's not very related, on the launch ceremony there was a lucky draw. I found that Sapo was a bit skittish, the 2 extra prizes were just a 1-year SapoPOS package of 199,000 VND (worth about more than 2 million VND) which was theirs anyway. The manufacturer offers an OmniChannel package that looks high value, so the dialing part is much more exciting. It's like selling oranges, but choosing the smallest orange for customers to try :)). Each prize will be given a spare battery because the customer's phone will definitely have low battery because everyone will be constantly checking sales on the phone. That way we pay more attention to customers :))

Those are my assessments of the Sapo X platform after attending the launch ceremony and finding out more information on the Website without trying it out.

After attending the launch ceremony, I found this product quite attractive, so I signed up for the 1-year Omnichannel package to review and experience the features of Sapo X. You can read the article here:”Should I use Sapo X Omnichannel omnichannel sales platform?

You can also sign up for a 15-day trial of Sapo X: HERE

Update: From February 25, 2019, when using Sapo POS sales management software, Shop owners will be the default Free integration of fanpage management software Sapo Social. A two-way solution for those who have a store and are promoting sales on Facebook at the same time.

Basically, Sapo Social is similar to existing fanpage care software on the market, with the functions of hiding comments, centralized comment/inbox management, automatic message configuration, page merging mode and interacting with customers on multiple pages on the same screen. Check the warehouse before creating an order, decentralize staff... The most prominent point I see is that the orders you create on Facebook will be processed centrally at Sapo, and automatically pushed to the shipping unit. There is no need to manage orders via Excel files, which can easily cause confusion and complicate the shipping process like the traditional way.

Of course, free is also an attraction as there is no need to spend extra money to buy separate fanpage management software. The price list of Sapo sales management software is 229K/month, calculated that every day you need to spend about 7.5K for a sales management software, including fanpage management features.

As far as I know, currently no party has integrated fanpage management features into sales management software, so this could be a plus point, helping Sapo attract shops with thousands of orders on Facebook to them.




I am Medio, admin of Medio Finance. The content I share about finance and personal development is from a simplified perspective with the goal of making it easier for everyone to access this market. Avoid scams and losses.

I joined the financial market since 2016. After a long time of learning and accumulating experience over the past 7 or 8 years. Currently, my main job is freelance Trader and Investor.

In addition, I share my experiences through the blog and Youtube channel Medio Finance Sharing trading and investing experiences with more than 86,000 followers and Podcast channel Drink tea with Medio Share some stories and personal perspectives from Trader's life.

I do not receive training, do not go offline, do not conduct seminars, do not call for investment, copytrade, raise capital or represent any trading platform. Everyone please pay attention to help avoid scams!