Hello everyone, it's been a while since I wrote a new article on the blog. This is the first post of 2017 even though today is March 17th. Next time I will definitely arrange more time and invest in better quality writing. Hope you will support.

Now, in today's article as you can see in the title, I will share with you a secret to working more effectively that I still apply. We will temporarily ignore the academic methods that books talk about a lot such as: writing down work goals, dividing work into 30-minute chunks, etc. I will only focus on how you create an environment Helps you work more efficiently and scientifically, which you can apply even before you turn it off Medio Blog Go.

1. Music to focus on work

Have you ever heard of music that helps you concentrate at work? Baroque music, instrumental music, flute,...

Basically, this type of music will definitely be more effective when you listen to music with lyrics, because when listening to music with lyrics, your brain will be distracted thinking about the lyrics in that song, so when listening to music Words will reduce this. In the past, I often went to Youtube to use this music to work. However, instrumental music is still a piece of music that still follows the melody, so it still reduces the brain's ability to concentrate on work.

According to research and practice, it has been proven that steady and repetitive sounds and noises will help you concentrate on your work much more. This explains why you work more effectively when: sitting in a room and listening to the sound of rain outside, sitting in a cafe and listening to whispers, near the sea listening to waves, at night listening to frogs croaking, listening to autumn. falling leaves,…

I would like to introduce to you a tool to help you reproduce these sounds so you can focus on your work. It's very simple, visit the website: Noisli.com .

Music to focus on work

Website interface is very simple. Regarding the operating principle of the website, there will be sounds shown through icons as shown in the picture. Click on any sound you need and you can mix the sounds together according to your liking and purpose by clicking on the sound symbols you want to select and adjusting the volume for it/

Or to choose faster, click on the options

Random : Randomly select combinations of sounds.

Productivity : Increase working efficiency.

Relax : Relax.

Very simple, right? Choose the sound that helps you work at peak performance. You can register for an account and save your selections for later use.

2. Arrange your desk neat and tidy.

It will be difficult to concentrate on work if your desk is cluttered with documents, food, or dozens of other distractions.

Create a neat and clean working corner that both helps you focus and fills you with inspiration every time you sit there. Items and documents that are not often used or are not needed should be stored or thrown away to free up your desk. (Maybe next time I will write an article on how to classify necessary and unnecessary documents to throw away - very useful)

This is my working corner:

Concentrated way of working

3. Eliminate things that distract you from working

When you need to concentrate highly, you can completely eliminate things that distract you from working, such as:

How to concentrate on work

  • Phone: can be turned off or kept silent. Trust me, the world won't stop spinning and end when you turn off your phone for a few hours. Don't try to hold on to your best friend that maybe there's an important call.
  • Log out of Facebook or Notifications both on your phone and computer. Don't wait 10 minutes to scroll through Facebook.
  • Separate yourself from "stink bombs": many bombs always come to find you, distracting you from work with their useless stories. Don't be shy, politely refuse instead of talking to them.

Those are some very effective solutions to focus on work. Please apply and improve your productivity.

P/s: Some habits I often do when using the above methods:

Personally, I often focus on work when mixing sounds like: ocean waves + seagulls, wind blowing + bird sounds + leaves, or I often work effectively at night, so during the day I sometimes close the door. , turn on the desk lamp and turn on night noises like the wind blowing + frogs croaking to concentrate on work. Keep the volume low enough to reach your hearing level, don't make it too loud, the effect won't be as good.

To avoid being disturbed when working at the company, you can pretend to wear headphones to avoid talking to them, or wear them while listening and turn them on. Noisli Come on up.

That is experience to focus and work effectively mine. How about you? Please share your experience in the comments below!



I am Medio, admin of Medio Finance. The content I share about finance and personal development is from a simplified perspective with the goal of making it easier for everyone to access this market. Avoid scams and losses.

I joined the financial market since 2016. After a long time of learning and accumulating experience over the past 7 or 8 years. Currently, my main job is freelance Trader and Investor.

In addition, I share my experiences through the blog media.finance and Youtube channel Medio Finance Sharing trading and investing experiences with more than 86,000 followers and Podcast channel Drink tea with Medio Share some stories and personal perspectives from Trader's life.

I do not receive training, do not go offline, do not conduct seminars, do not call for investment, copytrade, raise capital or represent any trading platform. Everyone please pay attention to help avoid scams!