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How to sell online effectively?

How to sell online effectively

Online selling is currently becoming a trend thanks to the popularity of the Internet and mobile devices. However to Online selling To be effective, you need to note the following 8 points:

1. What is the product you want to sell?

If you sell, you must sell the product or goods you want. Of course you have to consider this first. However, not every product can be promoted Online selling. You should note the following points:

  • The product must target many audiences and many people with needs (Shoes, fashion, jewelry,...)
  • Must have uniqueness that offline stores rarely have (unique, handmade items, etc.)
  • The volume should not be too large to reduce shipping costs.
  • The price should not be too low because it is not worth the shipping cost, and it should not be too high because it is picky and lacks trust to buy the product (the shipping price is about 10% compared to the selling price is reasonable)
  • Initially, if you can sell, you should sell through consignment to test the market's reaction and not have to hold too much capital.

2. Who are your target customers?

You can do this step along with the step of searching for products to sell. You can immediately take advantage of your understanding of which customer segment to choose products.

Doing Instagram Sales Acceleration Service I just learned that many of you hardly care about this and do it in a very sketchy way.

When I ask you about Who are your customers? Someone answered:

  • Someone who cares about clothes
  • Is someone who likes fashion.
  • As a girl,…

Please don't answer such idle questions, perhaps your audience will be the whole world. And do you have the budget to run advertising and marketing to the whole world?

Be specific: Gender, Age, Region, What do they usually like?, How much is their income?,... The more specific, the better.

Find out carefully what your competitors like or are interested in. For example, Western shoes can go with people who like vests and office clothes, sneakers can go with people who like jeans, business people often like lucky rings, etc. Of course, these things will have to pass. Test to know the conversion rate.

3. What are your competitors doing?

After choosing your product and target audience, you must find out who your competitors are. In addition to direct competitors selling the same products, there are also indirect competitors. For example, if you sell Japanese cosmetics, in addition to people selling the same products as you, there are also products from Korea, France, etc.

Have you heard the saying “If you know someone, you know yourself. One hundred battles, one hundred victories, right? When entering any field, look for competitors who are selling well to find out how they sell? Where do they get customers from?

When you step into Business. There will be no difference between a new graduate starting to sell and those who are already in the profession, sometimes even the same age as you. You won't be able to ask them for a salary, because I just sold it. Or make excuses to customers that I just sold it so the price is high,...

4. What's different about your products and services?

After researching your competitors, you must find your point of difference so that customers buy from you, not your competitors. Even though the two products are exactly the same. For example, if your competitor sells grapes, you sell grapes in half-kilo packages, wrapped in plastic gift bags,... or you may have accompanying products such as selling condoms and giving away private area cleaning packages,...

5. What channels do you use to reach your customers?

Online sales channel

Lots of channels for you to choose from. Write down channels that are suitable for your target audience. However, you should optimize all channels and not depend on one channel. I used to be too dependent on Facebook and when Facebook changed, many advertisers raised their advertising prices so they were too high and not enough to cover the costs.

  • Google (Adwords, SEO, Google Display Network,…)
  • Facebook (run Facebook Ads, Personal Profile, Share to Groups,...)
  • Promote a well-optimized sales website for customers to place orders.
  • Email Marketing (not the same as spam, to do Email Marketing well you must research carefully and have the right email source for the right audience)
  • Instagram (for fashion products and handmade items,... target audience from 17-25 years old)

There are many other access channels that I will mention in the following articles.

6. In what form do you receive money from customers?

You can make an advance transfer of 50% - 70% -100% with incentives such as discounts, free items, and free shipping if full deposit is made.

COD (receive payment at home) this should not be done if you do not intend to build a large system, you should not apply this form because the risk is very high due to human consciousness in Vietnam.

If using COD, you can add a deposit with a phone card worth about 50k to make buyers more responsible with their orders.

7. How will you get customers to come back to you?

8 things to note when buying online

If you want to find a way to be successful, you must find a way for customers to come back to you. Consumers are increasingly wise as they come into contact with hundreds of sellers of all kinds every day. So you must retain customers before they forget who you are.

You can apply policies for returning old customers to receive discounts, give away small items, congratulate customers on special occasions, send information when there is a new batch of goods that customers may be interested in (don't spam like this). The more sincere you are with your customers, the higher your return rate.

8. You must manage cash flow and profit and loss to know if what you are doing is effective!

Of course this is the most important. Because the purpose of business is to make money. Your business must have the potential to grow.


I am Medio, admin of Medio Finance. The content I share about finance and personal development is from a simplified perspective with the goal of making it easier for everyone to access this market. Avoid scams and losses.

I joined the financial market since 2016. After a long time of learning and accumulating experience over the past 7 or 8 years. Currently, my main job is freelance Trader and Investor.

In addition, I share my experiences through the blog and Youtube channel Medio Finance Sharing trading and investing experiences with more than 86,000 followers and Podcast channel Drink tea with Medio Share some stories and personal perspectives from Trader's life.

I do not receive training, do not go offline, do not conduct seminars, do not call for investment, copytrade, raise capital or represent any trading platform. Everyone please pay attention to help avoid scams!