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“What was I born for?”. Have you ever asked yourself that question? I myself have asked myself this question many, many times. Those are the times when you doubt yourself, the times when you torment yourself that you are nothing special, nothing better than others. I'm not as happy as them...why am I so incompetent, why do I constantly make wrong decisions...
During the last World Cup, I often walked to my friend's house about a kilometer away from home to watch the ball. By the time I finished watching and went home, it was already 2 or 3 in the morning. Because of walking, I had the opportunity to observe more closely Hanoi at night and the lives of people at night.
One day, when returning home from the match, it was around 3:00 a.m., and I saw a girl about the same age as my mother stopping her bicycle at night and picking up every cardboard and beer can from the garbage truck that was being gathered. back on the sidewalk...

Another day, I met a Grabbike runner who saw me walking and invited me on the bike (if I remember correctly, that day was the semi-finals). Honestly, I almost always walk to my friend's house, not only to avoid having to take my car out, but also to exercise. But in the middle of the night, I saw him still running, so I still got in the car. On the way talking, he told me to run and finish my hoe then go home and take a shower. I don't know if I'll be in time to watch football. I'll watch a little and then go to sleep. On a few days, if I'm lucky, I'll play football and run at night to earn some money...

See, while we're warm and cozy watching football, there are still many people who have to endure the dew at night to earn extra dimes. So do we still complain that we are unlucky?

I often sit at a sister's sidewalk iced tea shop, which is just a small sidewalk shop, and the income is not too high, just enough to maintain the family's living standards. But she is always happy, optimistic, always smiling, full of positive energy and never complains.

But I also meet many rich acquaintances who drive luxury cars and big houses but always complain that they are miserable, tired, and bored with life. At that time, I realized that money, economics or material things do not completely determine whether you are happy or miserable, happy or sad, optimistic or negative. It's all up to each person's own perception.

Returning to the question: "What was I born for?", ask yourself that question? You want to be someone who spreads positive energy every time you talk and everyone is late around you. Or do you want to become a person who is always negative, always complaining, hating yourself and people not wanting to come close to you?

And I always choose to be a positive person. Surely some of you are the same, right?
As in the words of Artist Pham Minh Tuan: "Why not be the wind, the clouds to see the vast sky...Why not be alluvium, offering fertility to flowers...Why not be the sun, sowing carefree sunshine...Let's live and desire, to see the vastness of life" that I often hear every time I feel myself losing motivation.

Everyone has their own suffering, it's just a matter of how we accept it. If you don't know, many of us think they are famous people at the peak of glory and motivate many people including us, but they are out of balance in their own lives and have to seek death to escape such as: Famous Hollywood comedian Robin Williams, DJ Avicii or Chester Bennington (member of the group Linkin Park). I often listen to songs by Avicii or Linkin Park because they have a lot of motivational songs.

There, we think they are the most talented, wealthy and glorious people in the world but are still depressed and choose death. Then you can rest assured that feeling depressed and feeling inferior to others is a natural thing that everyone suffers from, even the best people in the world. Stop tormenting yourself and be happier. As long as I try to work better than yesterday 1%, it's okay, right?

If you have ever meditated in Vipassana, you will know that things are simply as they happen without any right or wrong. We are the ones who impose right and wrong to make ourselves suffer...






I am Medio, admin of Medio Finance. The content I share about finance and personal development is from a simplified perspective with the goal of making it easier for everyone to access this market. Avoid scams and losses.

I joined the financial market since 2016. After a long time of learning and accumulating experience over the past 7 or 8 years. Currently, my main job is freelance Trader and Investor.

In addition, I share my experiences through the blog and Youtube channel Medio Finance Sharing trading and investing experiences with more than 86,000 followers and Podcast channel Drink tea with Medio Share some stories and personal perspectives from Trader's life.

I do not receive training, do not go offline, do not conduct seminars, do not call for investment, copytrade, raise capital or represent any trading platform. Everyone please pay attention to help avoid scams!