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How to advertise online sales effectively?

Perhaps this is a question many of you are interested in when entering the e-commerce market. When should advertising be reasonable, economical and above all bring high economic efficiency?

Effective online sales advertising

To answer this question, first, you must determine what product or service you are selling? Do it seriously. Please answer all of the following questions on paper:

1. What are your products and services?

2. Who are your target customers? How to reach them? (This sentence is very important)

3. What is your advertising budget? What are your advertising goals?

Let's start answering each of these questions in turn to have the most general overview. I will have a few small examples for you to easily imagine.

1. Products and Services you sell.

Effective online sales advertising

First, you need to determine whether the product you are selling can be sold online or advertised online?

Items sold online often have to be a bit unique and not sold everywhere for customers to need to buy online or search online.

For example: It can be clothes, fashion (beautiful models are not available everywhere), Computer equipment, Souvenirs,... if they are not special, they must be cheaper than outside. For example, you sell Omo laundry detergent (available everywhere) but you sell it in large containers and the price is much cheaper than grocery stores.

What's special here doesn't necessarily mean it's not available anywhere or hard to find, but you can provide customers with special values. For example: Clean vegetables, Clean fruits, Handmade coconut jelly, handmade briefcases...

In addition to the product's uses, customers will receive intangible values such as pride when using the product, peace of mind, and thinking that they are special.

This part of creating product value is really cool. Next time, maybe I will write an article about how to differentiate your product so that customers choose and remember it.

2. Research customers

The next step after identifying your item. This is the most important step that greatly affects the next steps and determines whether your advertising is effective?

Think about it, if you sell products to treat erectile dysfunction for men but only advertise for men with healthy erectile dysfunction, will they buy the products? If you advertise a perfume for a few million dong to students who don't have enough money to eat, how many orders will you receive?

If your advertising is not targeted to the right audience, it will be almost useless and an extremely waste of money.

Effective online sales advertising

Some questions you need to answer to research your customer base:

  • Age and gender of your customers? Locality where your customers are concentrated?
  • What are their interests? (Selling European pants, customers may like vests, shirts, office wear, office shoes,...)
  • What are their habits? What do they usually do, what time are they online,...
  • Reverse Target. For example, selling erectile dysfunction drugs to men can target women aged 25-40, for example.

Sometimes you think you understand your customers, but you often research your customers more carefully, talk diligently with your customers, and review your existing customers to get an overview of your customers. mine, okay?

3. Your advertising budget. The goal of the campaign?

Determine what your advertising budget is: By day? By week? Monthly?,…

And what are your campaign goals?

  • The goal is to bring in orders.
  • Brand coverage goal.
  • The goal is to increase likes for the Page.
  • The goal is to pull traffic.
  • The goal is to get customer data.
  • Trial registration goal.
  • ….

Based on that budget goal, you choose the appropriate advertising channel. There are many advertising channels such as: Adwords, Facebook Ads, Instagram, Coc Coc, Google Display Network, Youtube Ads...

On those channels, you choose appropriate campaign settings such as impressions, interactions, Video ads, image ads, Website Click ads, etc. Many options for advertising channels for you. select.

If you are not familiar with online advertising channels, it will be relatively difficult to choose a suitable channel. Please contact me, I will assist. 

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I am Medio, admin of Medio Finance. The content I share about finance and personal development is from a simplified perspective with the goal of making it easier for everyone to access this market. Avoid scams and losses.

I joined the financial market since 2016. After a long time of learning and accumulating experience over the past 7 or 8 years. Currently, my main job is freelance Trader and Investor.

In addition, I share my experiences through the blog and Youtube channel Medio Finance Sharing trading and investing experiences with more than 86,000 followers and Podcast channel Drink tea with Medio Share some stories and personal perspectives from Trader's life.

I do not receive training, do not go offline, do not conduct seminars, do not call for investment, copytrade, raise capital or represent any trading platform. Everyone please pay attention to help avoid scams!