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If you know the book Enzyme Factor 1 – A healthy way of living, you already know the author - Dr. Hiromi Shinya is a gastroenterologist of Japanese origin, living and working in both the US and Japan.

In Enzyme Factor 1, the author pointed out many misconceptions that we are facing that think they are good for our health but are counterproductive and harmful to our bodies.

Besides, there are the author's arguments and practical research on something called Miraculous enzymes in limited quantities, it has a great effect on our health and longevity. Our daily habits are destroying these limited enzymes.

Book 1 will provide an overview of the author's method of living a healthy life thanks to miraculous Enzymes. As for book 2, it will go deeper into instructions for practicing the methods that the author proposed.

In my opinion, you should read Enzyme Factor 1 before reading book 2 to better understand the method and when you clearly understand the basis of the method, you will be more confident in applying book 2. If you read book 2 straight and skip After book 1, you will not have enough confidence to persevere in a long-term method.

For example, when someone criticizes you and you do not clearly understand the psychological method, you will waver and lose confidence - just like walking from the top of a tree, with just a slight breeze you will sway strongly and easily. fall easily.

At Enzyme Factor 2 - Practice, the author will provide solutions to help us reach natural longevity, signs that you are lacking Enzymes, and especially delve into healthy eating habits that help us We have good health, limit cancer and prolong life.

Why do I say go deeper? For example, in book 1, the author talked about how eating brown rice is good for us. In book 2, the author will share more deeply about how we cook brown rice to make it less dry and more flavorful. Soak in water before cooking, add a few grains of sea salt, cook with other whole grains, etc.

In addition, there are also dietary opinions such as eating whole shrimp is always better (e.g. eating whole shrimp is better than just eating the meat, eating whole apples is better than peeling them, …).

I see that this view has something in common with the view that eating animals with less legs is better, such as fish is better than chicken, chicken is better than cows, pigs, etc. Simply because animals with less legs are easier to eat. even more children…

In addition to eating, there are also our small habits and actions to detoxify, increase the body's health to be healthier and less likely to go to the hospital, especially for those who have to sit in an office environment. Lots of room, little activity.

Recently, I really like learning about health issues, especially articles about improving health naturally from within, and the Enzyme Factor book series is a series of books that I really like and find very interesting. useful.

I go to the gym and play sports. In the past, I used to follow the gym's eating methods because I thought it would increase muscle mass and be good for my health, but this made my body healthy but weaker in resistance, prone to acne, constipation, and sore throats. .

Since applying the knowledge in this Enzyme Factor book and watching Ryan Long Fitness's Gym channel. I have applied it to myself, focusing on improving my health rather than exercising to become bigger and more beautiful. I have found that my body is much healthier, my face is almost free of acne, and I love going to the gym more. People are also much slimmer and neater.

I have lost from 68 kg to over 61 kg and my health is much better than before. But that's over a long period of time, not like losing 10 kg in 3 months, etc. as the headlines say. The problem is that I don't have to go on a miserable diet like many of you, and I don't have to take supplements that are extremely harmful to the body. That's what I feel happiest about!

One thing you need to keep in mind is that. It is difficult for us to apply all the instructions in this book when you are living in today's society. Just gradually applying a few of these things to form a habit is good.

What I find most important is frequency. For example, when I go out to eat, drink with friends, or have a fun wedding, I will still drink alcohol, but I won't drink to the point of getting drunk like before and limit it a lot. On normal days, I will eat a diet rich in green vegetables, healthy foods, etc. It's okay to occasionally eat a little food that the book says is harmful. Because it's not everyday…

Health, whether for old or young people, is very important. If we know how to live well, we will get closer to our natural lifespan (death from old age, not from disease) and suffer less. More bills from pharmacies and hospitals.

I was only a little disappointed with this book, Enzyme Factor 2, because the publisher's binding was a bit poor, so I didn't finish reading it and the glue came off, even though I'm a good reader and never turn the book back. . I believe it's not a fake book because I bought this book at Tien Tho Bookstore on Lang Street, which is also a pretty big bookstore.

Wishing everyone good health to live happily and work effectively!


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