The book is for those who want to use Email Marketing properly.

Hi everybody! New week has come again. This week I will introduce to you the book Launch - Launching a Product by Jeff Walker.

Product launch review
Photo source: Internet

This is a fairly thick book, about more than 300 pages, but it is printed on slightly yellow and slightly rough paper, not the type of paper that is tightly pressed and bleached, so it is quite light. I see a lot of reviewers on tiki rated it * very low because the paper quality is too bad. But for me, I always prefer printed paper types like this because:

  • This yellow paper will use less bleaching chemicals, and will also consume less raw materials than other types of white, smooth, and beautiful paper, so it is more environmentally friendly.
  • Cheaper paper costs less so books are also cheaper than other glitter books.
  • This yellow paper will be easier to read and less harmful to the eyes. Especially compared to beautiful, smooth paper, when read under light, it also reflects and causes glare.

If you don't like this type of paper, you should not buy these printed paper books. It's a pity for the publisher, although I think this is a direction that benefits both users and the environment, but it's probably not suitable for those who place emphasis on appearance.

Regarding the book cover, I find it quite confusing and looks a bit multi-level with the secret formula of Internet millionaires... I think it would be more appropriate to reduce the text and reduce the words millionaire and billionaire.

Done, it's about form. Now I will go to the content of the book!

The main content of the guidebook is about using Email Marketing to launch your products, mostly digital products. However, you should not tie the knowledge in this book to what the author instructs.

This book was written a long time ago, and now there are many other advertising tools so you can customize the application of what the author instructs in the book. You can also customize it to apply to physical products, not just digital products!

In the book, author Jeff Walker will share the formula he used to launch his digital products and teach thousands of others this formula. Starting from an unemployed father to starting a failed business, starting a failed business, then finding a product launch formula that makes customers wait until the moment of opening for sale.

Many things shared by the author in this book are not new, such as providing value to customers before selling, focusing on customers' needs and fears, gradually revealing information to make customers happy. customers expect, creating scarcity to stimulate customers to buy...

However, these things are systematized by the author into a 3-step process in a 5-7 day process. In each step, there will be more specific instructions from the author on how to write content to make readers curious.

A question is: What if we currently do not have an email list data? The author also has a section that guides us on how to create lists such as: launching seed products, launching joint venture products,...

In the book, the author cites many examples from how his students have launched products and started their own businesses, so the book is quite long. Therefore, I see on Tiki that many people say the book is long, unrealistic,...

Some feedback on Tiki

Product Launch book review
Product Launch book review
Product Launch book review
Product Launch book review
Product Launch book review

But I personally found the book very good. Been a Digital Marketing person for 5 or 6 years now. I also signed up for many email lists of foreign bloggers and websites and found that they do very quality and methodical email marketing, providing very good lead content.

As someone who has also been doing MMO for a long time, I also know many case studies of huge sales with very cheap email marketing costs but very high sales closing rates from t-shirts to various products. Perhaps many of you don't know that there are so many good people, so you think the author is exaggerating.

But in Vietnam, not many units do this well, Email Marketing is almost synonymous with spam. That is also the reason why 5 or 6 years ago, Amazon SES service blocked Vietnam from registering. Luckily I registered an account before so now my account can send 20,000 emails/day.

Just sending promotional emails is not called Email Marketing

My personal assessment is that this is a book to read if you want to do Email Marketing professionally and methodically.


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I joined the financial market since 2016. After a long time of learning and accumulating experience over the past 7 or 8 years. Currently, my main job is freelance Trader and Investor.

In addition, I share my experiences through the blog and Youtube channel Medio Finance Sharing trading and investing experiences with more than 86,000 followers and Podcast channel Drink tea with Medio Share some stories and personal perspectives from Trader's life.

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