Tips for reading more and more effectively?

I snatched the title and quickly let it fly. In fact, this is just my experience when learning effective reading instructions and applying them to myself. I will share what I know and apply it to myself and find it effective.

In any field, there are ways that are suitable for one person but not another. Some people like to eat vermicelli and tofu with shrimp paste, some people like to eat vermicelli and tofu with fish sauce. Everyone, please try each method and choose the suitable one!

  • Read faster

This is the solution that many of you will think of first. And there are also many books and instructional clips on how to read quickly. Practicing reading quickly is similar to exercising your muscles. When you practice a lot and methodically, you will read faster.

The principle of speed reading is that most methods follow the form of skimming. That means instead of reading each word, you will read in clusters of 3-5, then as you get used to it, you will increase your level to reading line by line.

To practice reading quickly you can buy these books to read quickly Or watch tutorials on Youtube. I don't think you should spend a lot of money on expensive courses because the methods are not much different, you mainly have to read and practice hard.

However, I think we should not overuse this solution. Many of my friends are crazy about boasting about their achievements of 1000 words/minute or so (you see a lot in reading groups). I think the most important thing is how much knowledge you gain from the book and how much you can apply it. knowledge from books into practice.

Reading a book for half a day without retaining anything and not being able to apply anything is not as effective as someone who reads a book for 2 days but remembers many good things that can be applied to life, right?

So, just practice to read faster than your old self, don't be greedy for these fake indexes to show off your achievements.

Actually, I think I will practice this method more to get to the girl line faster. Students can also use it to copy notes or copy at a higher speed...

  • Read books continuously and according to plan.

I read more since I put reading books on my daily to-do list. Turn reading into a habit instead of reading whenever you like. With the temptation of Youtube and social networks, if you don't include reading in your daily to-do, you will forget about it immediately.

I usually set aside reading time in the morning when I first wake up after cleaning the toilet and usually read for about an hour. Reading in the morning will have the effect that you will be more focused because it is the start of a new day, your body has rested overnight.

At the same time, reading in the morning also helps me eliminate the use of phones and social networks when starting a new day - a double task.

Morning is an important time of the day. You can read more articles 6 habits you should do in the morning to have an energetic day

You can also read books in the evening before going to bed. However, I think that before going to bed we should only read light novels or books that are not heavy with knowledge to avoid having to think too much and make it difficult to sleep. Avoid ghost stories, horror, and detective stories. Let your body have a good night's sleep. If you find that reading this genre helps you sleep better, then just read it. hehe

Although I can't maintain such a habit every day, I always try to do it every day.

Another thing is that you should try to arrange reading time of at least 30 minutes or more. I find that amount of time is enough for the brain to get used to reading books and absorbing the knowledge in books. When there is that continuity and the brain focuses on the knowledge in the book, it creates excitement. for reading books.

Once again, let me give an example of this like when you go to the gym (maybe because I'm going to the gym so I'm crazy about this example) practice regularly every day, and practice continuously in one session to get new muscles. can develop.

Practice a lot to get your brain this big. Photo source: Internet

Likewise, you must have enough time to think deeply to create wrinkles on your brain. Before your brain can think and rest, it will become "flat brain". hehe

Many of you also use a monthly or yearly reading plan by taking note of good book titles and setting a goal to read all of them within a certain time. This method is also quite good and you can apply it if you find it suitable. I usually read books according to my needs and what knowledge I need at that time, so I don't make plans like this.

  • Read continuously on one topic.

For example, if you are looking to learn about investing. Or find some good investment books to read these books continuously instead of reading an investment book, then jumping to a marketing book.

In my opinion, the benefit of this is that it gives you time to learn and research more deeply about a problem. And continuously reading related titles will help you have different perspectives and different knowledge streams from the authors to draw knowledge for yourself.

In addition, reading continuously like that is like the phenomenon of resonating knowledge about that field and bringing more wrinkles to your brain...

  • Increase the efficiency of reading.

This is a way to improve the quality of reading. If you are still reading books like you just read them and forget them after 1 or 2 days, then you are very similar to me before. When I see a book, I know I've read it, but I can't remember what I read in that book. When I read it again, I found this book to be so good, the knowledge was like I had just learned it...

I have only recently applied these methods but found them to be quite effective. To practice this method, you need a notebook or a pad of A4 paper - you can also cut the A4 paper smaller to fit the size of the book you are reading so that whenever you need to open the book, you will have the part you have noted. so that I don't have to re-read the book and can still grasp the important information.

Record the main ideas in the book.

Each book has a skeleton of the most important main ideas, the remaining parts will be like flesh to supplement, illustrate, and prove these main ideas. Like this article of mine, for example. Based on the main ideas that I have oriented before, I will develop more specifically.

When you grasp these main ideas, you will have a more general view and easily remember the book's contents.

Take notes while reading books
Note down book knowledge to help you remember it for a long time and review it more easily. Photo source: Google Photos

Attach what knowledge you are reading that can be applied to yourself and write it down.

I really like doing this because it brings out the true value of the book. When reading a book, the important thing is how that book will help your life and work.

If I read a book about advertising. For example, the book The Art of Advertising Writing has a section on top attractive advertising titles that capture people's hearts. From those sample titles, I will write down advertising titles suitable for the product I am selling.

Sometimes there are things in the book that you can't apply right away, but just write down things you can apply in the future, so you will force your brain to think about that future situation. When we encounter these situations in the future, we will have ideas in mind that we can do. It feels like coming back from the future.

Write down anything you disagree with the author.

I haven't done this yet, next time I will practice this. I think it will be very good because it will train us to think critically, always asking questions in our minds to be able to filter information and not passively receive information flows without knowing whether it is correct or not. wrong.

I also often encounter this error, often when talking with friends, or reading knowledge somewhere without criticism or verification. I just assume it's right, but when I talk to others or apply it, I feel embarrassed because it's wrong...

  • Reading books is so boring

Not every book we read will be interesting, and not every book others find interesting will be suitable for us. In the past, I often had the problem of buying books and trying my best to read them, but I found there were too many books and they were so boring that I couldn't swallow them. I read them like I had to lift them up and put them down forever before I could finish the book.

When I come across a bad book, I try to read it all, just like when I was a kid, my mother used to force me to eat it and stuff it into my mouth even though I didn't like it, and ended up vomiting it all out. So if you see that book and have read all the chapters but don't find anything interesting, it's best to leave and read another book.

If you continue to try to read even though you don't like it, you will become obsessed and lose interest in reading. So if you don't find it interesting, stop reading and move on to another book.

Tip: Try to read a whole chapter to get a feel for the book's content, because sometimes the author or translator's writing style doesn't suit your taste but the book's content is still good. If you see almost the end of a chapter and there are still no signs of "warming up", open the table of contents to see which chapter you think will interest you the most and try reading it. If you still feel "cold", give it up!

The reason I feel bored when reading a book is because it's not a topic you're interested in right now. When you're interested, you can read it later. Don't be so sorry for the money you bought that you try to cram it in even though you don't see anything interesting after reading it!

  • Use different book formats

The use of paper books, ebooks, or audiobooks is still very controversial. I also have an article about whether to use paper books or ebooks, you can learn about the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

However, each type of book will have its own benefits when we know how to use it in appropriate situations.

How to read more books
Using a book reader is very compact and convenient. But it cannot replace 100% paper books. Photo source: Google Photos

Ebooks bring us convenience and can be read everywhere, I still recommend that you buy an e-reader. I am using Kindle Paper White 4 and have no regrets about this decision. Thanks to it, I read more books because I can take it anywhere and freely choose the books I have copied to read.

You can read the article Should I buy a Kindle book reader or not? mine before for further reference!

Additionally, when doing something that doesn't require too much thinking like going to the gym, cooking, etc. you can use audiobooks. Although I find that listening is not as effective as reading, you can choose to listen to books that do not require memorization and increase your understanding.

You can find audiobooks on Youtube. As for my phone, the new audiobook app that I find the best and most convenient is SachNoiApp which has a blue play button icon (this is on Android and I don't use iOS so I don't know).

However, everyone should be careful when using headphones, listening too much at high volume can lead to ear rot - the medical name is ear infection. I had it so I know.haha

One more thing, be careful when walking and wearing headphones on the road if you are riding a motorbike, ensure your own life safety first.

Everyone can also buy true wireless headphones for convenience. No need for messy wires, sports activities are also very good. I'm also using it and find it quite convenient. It's ok to use on phones and laptops, as long as it has bluetooth.

Thus, by taking advantage of different book formats, we can make reading more convenient and use free time during the day. So I read more books.

  • See book reviews or top good books in the field you are interested in.

In addition to browsing books in bookstores, you can read book reviews or articles about top good books. This will help you find new good titles to read. (like looking at the review on my blog, for example. hehe)

Sometimes I also browse on tiki to see if there are any suitable books in the top books.

Looking at the book cover or advertisement does not guarantee that it is a quality book. You should read more reviews on blogs or feedback from other people who have bought books on tiki to get more information to decide whether to buy. or not?

Those are some ways that I often apply to read more books, how to increase both quantity and quality. Also remember this saying: "Reading books may not make you rich, but rich people always read books." Besides reading blogs and articles on medium, this is the biggest source of knowledge for me. Hope everyone will maintain the habit of reading.

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I am Medio, admin of Medio Finance. The content I share about finance and personal development is from a simplified perspective with the goal of making it easier for everyone to access this market. Avoid scams and losses.

I joined the financial market since 2016. After a long time of learning and accumulating experience over the past 7 or 8 years. Currently, my main job is freelance Trader and Investor.

In addition, I share my experiences through the blog and Youtube channel Medio Finance Sharing trading and investing experiences with more than 86,000 followers and Podcast channel Drink tea with Medio Share some stories and personal perspectives from Trader's life.

I do not receive training, do not go offline, do not conduct seminars, do not call for investment, copytrade, raise capital or represent any trading platform. Everyone please pay attention to help avoid scams!