Book Review 7 Habits of Successful People

Review: This book is an indispensable book if you want to change yourself to succeed. The book is quite thick and the habits are written and given very specific instructions by Stephen T. Covey. Our lives change when we ourselves change. Learn to get used to good habits and receive the desired results.

7 habits for success (English: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People) is a business and psychology (self-help) book by Stephen R. Covey, first released in 1989. Covey presents an approach to being effective in achieving goals by organizing your goals. aligned himself with what he called “principles” consisting of moral principles that he presented as universal and timeless values.

Habit 1: Be proactive

Habit 2: Start with the goal

Habit 3: Prioritize important things
Habit 4: Think win-win

Habit 5: Understand and then be understood (Another name: Know how to listen to understand and be understood).

Habit 6: Join forces

Habit 7: Train yourself

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